Privacy Policy

Lexington United Methodist Church Privacy Policy

Lexington United Methodist Church reserves the right to modify this privacy policy - all for the sake of faithfully stewarding in a God-glorifying way all that we have been given - including the information you provide through this website. Every time you access or utilize this website, you are signifying that you have accepted this privacy policy as provided. Lexington United Methodist Church is not obligated to notify users about changes to our privacy policy - other than stating said changes here. Your utilization of our Church’s website indicates your acceptance of all provisions within this privacy policy. Please read and review the below terms of use and the terms of this website’s privacy policy before using.

  1. Collection and Use of Personal Information

    Lexington United Methodist Church collects a variety of information for the sake of online communication and outreach. One way we collect information is through this website - that is, information that you freely and voluntarily provide through contact forms, signing up for Connect Groups, or RSVP’ing for events or studies. The information that you provide through the means listed above (i.e. forms, sign ups, and RSVPs) is considered personal information. The other way information is collected through this website is the information your device (i.e. smartphone, computer, tablet) provides every time you use this website (i.e. what kind of device accessed the site, traffic within the website, etc.); this type of information is non-confidential. The data our website collects is used by us for the purpose of communicating better with you, providing updates on our ministry, and improving the utility and usefulness of this site.

  2. Sharing of Personal Information

    Lexington United Methodist Church does not sell, distribute, or rent your personal information. We use the information you freely provide (i.e. through forms, RSVP’s, sign ups) only within our organization - namely in communicating with you. We are committed to keeping any and all information this website collects accurate, confidential, secure, and private.

  3. Cookies

    This website uses “cookies” to personalize your experience. “Cookies” are files of data that are sent to your browser from websites that you visit (i.e. this website). These files are stored on your computer’s hard drive. Lexington United Methodist Church’s website may use cookies as a means of ‘recognizing’ you when you use our site again - all for the sake of improving our service and your experience using our website. You have the option to accept or refuse cookies. Should you refuse our cookies, certain aspects of our website may not work as best possible for you.

  4. Contacting Us

    Should you have any questions or comments about our privacy policy, or should you have any questions about our website or are experiencing any technical difficulties related to this website, please feel free to contact us.