
Harvesters Vision: Healthy, Thriving Community Where No One Is Hungry


Harvesters is a food-relief agency that operates around the Kansas City metro area. It brings perishable food items to the church on the second Monday of each month (if there is inclement weather or this should fall on a holiday, please visit the Lexington United Methodist Facebook page for updates to the distribution date). This food is available to anyone who can come pick it up. There are no restrictions on income or residency.

How to Pick Up Food

Volunteers work a careful program to hand out as much food as possible to as many families as possible. We recommend you follow these suggestions if you would like a share:

  • A volunteer will greet you at your vehicle and will ask to get your name and the number of aduts, children, and seniors in your household. Park your car and come in (or if you can't, flag down a worker). This list is available until the last car has been given food. The line to sign up normally starts at 7:30 am. We recommend you arrive before 10:00 am if you want to be sure to receive an equal portion of food.
  • Distribution begins after the truck arrives. That varies based on his drop-off schedule but is usually sometime between 9:30 and 10:30.
  • You may sign up for one portion of food per adult. You cannot put someone else's name down and receive food for them: please don't ask, we can't do it. If you and a family member (adult) both want to pick it up in your car, both need to sign up, and both need to be in the car together when you receive your portion.
  • We do not have any control over what food we give. We rely on the direction and generosity of Harvesters, which in turn relies on various food providers (wholesalers, grocery stores, and factories). Some months have meat, some months have more fruit. We can only offer what we have been given.
  • Please don't turn down food. We have a system to load an equal share for every car. If you don't want something, please find someone to share it with on your own. Don't ask us to return any part of the portion.
  • Distribution is available in rain or shine, but not snow or ice. If the schools are closed, so is the church.


Harvesters at the church relies on volunteers to distribute the food. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Liz Johnson. Volunteers should also be aware of the following rules:

  • Volunteers need to be on-site by 9:30 (or earlier) on distribution days. When you arrive, please sign in (twice if you would like to receive food).
  • If you are a new volunteer, there will be coordinators who will get you moving. If you're not sure who they are, usually you can ask anyone to point them out.
  • Volunteers will receive food on most distribution days. But only after all clients have been apportioned food. And as long as they have signed up and there is food remaining. The coordinators divide up the food into portions based on how many recipients and volunteers there are: if you sign up late, or if an unusually large group of clients come late, arrangements may change.
  • Volunteers are not allowed to withhold food for themselves. Anyone who is found to be doing so or attempting to do so will not be allowed to return as a volunteer.
  • Finish times vary: sometimes we finish before noon, sometimes after. Please be prepared to stay until the end.
  • Youth are welcome! We appreciate their strong backs to pull wagons. Please no children under 10.

For information, please contact the Church Office.


Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.

Hebrews 13:16 (ESV)